Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Tortoise and the Hare (sequel)

  The Tortoise And The Hare (sequel )
    The hare was very nervous about the last race; he thought  the tortoise would never pass  him, but the tortoise just had passed him, and then he won the race. This time, the hare wanted to race him again, he swore that he would never rest in the race, so he went to find the tortoise. Later, he found the tortoise. “Let’s race again,” said the hare. “Okay,” said the tortoise. Two days later, they both went  to the race. “The race is about to begin!” said the referee. Before the referee could count down, the tortoise grabbed the hare’s tail. “Three, two, one, go!” said the referee. The tortoise quickly climbed up the hare’s back. When the hare was ahead of the finished line, the tortoise jumped up, and flew over the finished line. 
“The tortoise won again!” said the referee. The tortoise used his wisdom to win the race.
 Keven, China, USTKid, 2018

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