Once there was a
man called Tang Monk and Tang Monk had a great adviser, the adviser was called
Monkey King, and there were
two soldiers too, but they were on a mission, they wanted to go
to the west and go get some gold, they have to go
to the west and one day they were so tired from walking in the desert. Even though Tang
Monk didn't even need
to walk, he could feel the
other people walking so he could feel tired as well.
Then they finally
got to the west and they asked: “oh, please, great god, give us some gold that
we seek, then the godasked, do you have
any Facebook? Then he looked at Monkey King and shook his head, then the god
asked, do you have any QQ? Monkey King again turned his head no, then the god
said, then I'd better use the APP that I had called. Called it the things that you used to text people. He
texted them gold, isn’t this the gold that you desired? then
Monkey King said, ah, this is not the gold that we meant.
Then, the god
asked, then what kind of gold do you want anyway? ThenMonkey King told the god what kind of gold they
wanted. That's golden and you can touch it, and it seems you know silvery and
shiny, don't you know that kind of gold? Aren't you the god? you must know this
kind of things right? Thengod said then I'll just use the APP and give you some
gold, well not that easy; then Monkey King said, just give us the gold already. But the god just already sent them some gold onto
their phones. Then Monkey King gave up and said with a sigh, okay, great gold,
but you still don't know what we mean or the gold that we want; afterhe finished talking, the god already knew what was
going on, so the god said, oh I know what kind of gold you want, then he gave
the gold that they want and their two soldiers saw the gold; they both wanted to extinguisha river and cried themselves out another river.
Tiffany, USTKid, 2018